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The project is focused on the acquisition of data using the MZS_FRAD2008-02 interference filter radiometer, installed in November 2009 at Mario Zucchelli station, on the roof of the building OASI (74°41.6059' S 164°05.9423' E). The radiometer is active all year round and measures the global solar irradiance (watt / m2nm) at the values of 9 different wavelengths (about one spectrum per minute), where the filters are centered, and obtained from these the measure of the spectral irradiance with a resolution of 0.5 nm. The data is transferred to Italy on a daily basis via an Ethernet link. Data are acquired in the summer station of MZS from November 2009 to May 2013.
Emerging COntaminants in Antarctic Snow: sources and TRAnsport (ECO AS:TRA) Prog. PNRA18_00229 Snow samples
Installation of two radiometers with interference filters (F_RAD) operating in the spectral region from 296 nm to 400 nm. The purpose is to measure the global solar irradiance at the values of the wavelengths where the filters are centered and from these derive the spectral irradiance with a resolution of 0.5 nm. The radiometers are currently positioned in the Antarctic stations of Mario Zucchelli and DomeC Concordia and operate permanently throughout the year. Measurements of absorbance of polysulphone dosimeters before and after exposure to UV solar radiation by laboratory spectrophotometer, data analysis, determination of the UV dose response curve vs absorbance variation and comparison of the results detected in the two sites. It can be used for the measurement of solar UV irradiance for research on the climate and the physics of the atmosphere.
Disdrometric data from an OTT Parsivel with 32 size classes and 32 velocity classes positioned at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica), with monthly spectra and particle size distributions (PSD).
Vertical profiles along the first kilometre of atmosphere above the ground (from 105 to 1050 m a.g.l.) of equivalent radar reflectivity factor (Ze), Doppler velocity (W) and Doppler spectral width (Sw) from a 24-GHz vertically pointing Micro Rain Radar MRR-2 by METEK GmbH positioned at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica).
A permanent seismological observatory, international code TNV, is operating at MZS Italian Antarctic station: Seismological VBB data are recorded and collected according to the international SEED standard. Two independent parallel chains are running: 1) Streckeisen STS-1 Sensors + Quanterra Q330HR datalogger, marked with location code 01; 2) Streckeisen STS-2 Seismometer + Quanterra Q330HR datalogger, marked with location code 02. All data are available for the international seismological community. Research activities: global seismicity of the Earth studies; studies of local and regional seismicity; lithospheric structure studies.
During the fourth Italian expedition to northern Victoria Land in 1988–1989, a new volcanic centre named Mount Rittmann was discovered on the eastern shoulder of Aviator Glacier, north of Mount Brabec, in the Mountaineer Range. Mount Rittmann is still active and shows fumarolic activity mainly concentrated along a steep slope on the east flank of the volcano, uncovered by perennial ice. In the framework of the ICE-VOLC project (, we are assessing the state of this volcano, as well as of Mt. Melbourne, and investigating their dynamics by acquisition, analysis and integration of multiparametric geophysical, geochemical and thermal data. Complementary objectives of ICE-VOLC project include investigation of the relationship between seismo-acoustic activity recorded in Antarctica and cryosphere-ocean-atmosphere dynamics, evaluation of the impact of volcanic gas in the atmosphere, and finally dissemination of the project outcomes. The project involves three institutions: Università degli Studi di Catania, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia e Università degli Studi di Perugia. To achieve the project objectives, we developed and installed in 2017 a permanent seismo-acoustic station on the top of Mount Rittmann (Contrafatto et al., 2018, This station continuously acquires three-component broadband seismic data, as well as infrasonic signals.
Seismological observations can be useful in the monitoring of ice stream dynamics and evolution. A temporary seismic array was deployed around the David Glacier, Victoria Land, during the austral summers 2005-06. Target of the experiment is the collection of seismometric data in order (i) to contribute to filling the gap in global seismic instrumentation, (ii) to monitor the Antarctic seismicity despite its weakness, (iii) to study the lithospheric and deep structure of the continent, (iv) to study interconnections between geodynamics and icecap and glacial evolution.
Victoria Land (Antarctica) shows a great abundance of seismic signals related to many different types of natural sources such as volcanoes, cryosphere dynamics and ocean-solid Earth interactions. Concerning the former, Melbourne and Rittmann are active volcanoes located in Victoria Land, relatively close to the Italian research station Mario Zucchelli. The main aim of the ICE-VOLC project ( is the assessment of the state of Melbourne and Rittmann, and the investigation of their dynamics by acquisition, analysis and integration of multiparametric geophysical, geochemical and thermal data. Complementary objectives of ICE-VOLC include investigation of the relationship between seismo-acoustic activity recorded in Antarctica and cryosphere-ocean-atmosphere dynamics, evaluation of the impact of volcanic gas in atmosphere, and finally dissemination of the project outcomes. The project involves three institutions: Università degli Studi di Catania, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia e Università degli Studi di Perugia. To achieve the project objectives, we collected seismic data by temporary broadband 3C stations in different sites of Victoria Land (located on Mt. Melbourne, Mt. Rittmann and Tethys Bay) during various Italian expeditions in Antarctica.
Seismological observations can be useful in the monitoring of ice stream dynamics and evolution. A temporary seismic array was deployed around the David Glacier, Victoria Land, during the austral summers 2015-16. Target of the experiment is the collection of seismometric data in order (i) to contribute to filling the gap in global seismic instrumentation, (ii) to monitor the Antarctic seismicity despite its weakness, (iii) to study the lithospheric and deep structure of the continent, (iv) to study interconnections between geodynamics and icecap and glacial evolution.