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The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Sofiab is located at David Glacier (75° 36′ 42″ S - 158° 35′ 26″ E) at 1552 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 28 november 2002. It acquired, every hour, all year round, the meteorological vaiables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity.
The radiosonde MSZ (Mario Zucchelli Station) monitors different atmospheric parameters along the vertical profile. The RDS is located at Mario Zucchelli Station. The climate parameters monitored are: Height (gps position), Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Velocity of wind, Direction of the wind. The MSZ is active since 15/01/1987. Data are acquired only during the opening season of the Zucchelli station. Daily radiosonde launches (00:00 and 12:00 UTC). During the period from 16 November to the end of the campaign, the radio-sonde of 06 UTC was included as part of the intensive measures campaign of the YOPP project. The RDS (VAISALA RS92) is launched into the atmosphere coupled to a balloon inflated with helium. The sonde rises with a speed of about 2-5 m / s up to a height of between 20 and 25 km. During the ascent all the parameters are acquired. The data obtained are coded both in a digital format (BUFR) and in text format and entered into the global network (GTS) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Irene is located at Sitry on the antarctic plateau (71° 39′ 9″ S - 148° 39′ 20″ E) at 2094 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 3 Decmber 2001, and has been removed 24 November 2016. It acquired, all year round, the meteorological variables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and solar radiation. The aws also monitored daily avarages of snow height.
The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station Alessandra is located in Cape King (73° 35′ 10″ S - 166° 37′ 16″ E) at 160 m of altitude, where has been installed on the 1st February 1987. It acquired, all year round, the meteorological variables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and solar radiation.
Objective of the project is to develop and test acoustic methodologies for the long-term monitoring of environmental variability in the Antarctic regions, through underwater acoustic oceanography experiments. Using passive and active acoustic systems is possible obtain the remote observation of air-sea-ice interaction processes in polynya areas in the Terra Nova Bay (74 ° 40′59.99 "S 164 ° 04′00.01" E). Acoustic measurements are carryed out by launching an oceanographic mooring supporting a 300 kHz broadband ADCP and CTD probes (temperature, conductivity and pressure sensors), left in the area until the following year's campaign.
It is a program that, by means of surface crossings thousands of kilometers long, collects information on the behavior of the ice sheet and the related changes in the global sea level as a result of climatic and environmental changes over the last 200 years. Aims of the projects are: Determine the environmental variability in Antarctica over the last 200 yrs, and where the data are available the last 1000 years. Environmental proxies could include: sea ice variation, ocean productivity, anthropogenic impacts; and other, extra-Antarctic continental influences
The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Eneide is located at Mario Zucchelli Station in Terra Nova Bay (74° 41′ 45″ S - 164° 5′ 32″ E) at 91 m of altitude, and has been installed on the 7 January 1987. The meteorological parameters monitored are: temperature, pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and solar radiation. Standard surface measurements. This data collection is carry out every hour and every minute, only during the season of opening station.
The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change. Standard meteorological parameters are monitored and additional data are obtained by measures of snow transport and accumulation in localities of scientific interest.The monitoring network consists of 16 automatic weather stations (AWS) operating all the year, round.They are setted in the area between 'Mario Zucchelli Station' (MZS, 74 ° 41 ‘S - 164° 05’ E), the French-Italian 'Concordia' base (DC, 75 ° S, 123 ° E) on the Antarctic Plateau and the French base Dumont’Urville (DDU, 66 ° 40’S - 140 ° 01’E) towards Wilkes Land. At OASI laboratories a laser rain gauge, an all sky camera and a Micro-Rain-Radar were maintained and left working during winter season. In OASI surroundings were installed a new ceilometer (VAISALA CL51) for cloud base measurement up to 15 km and a Total Rain weighing Sensor TRwS for snow precipitations.
The project aims to determine the mass balance components in the Dome C drainage area and to study and monitor local glaciers in Victoria Land. The goal is to define the mass balance of the ice cap through the analysis of its altimetric variation with satellite systems and through the determination of the values of the positive (snow accumulation) and negative (flow of glaciers to the anchor line) components of the balance mass. Trought the study of the snow cores (collected as part of the ITASE project (XVII/XVIII expedition)), was determined the annual stratigraphy and evaluated the snow accumulation, the isotopic temperature and the chemical composition of the snow cores. Moreover analysis of geophysical data (GPR, GPS, RES, spectroradiometry) and remote sensing data were carried out for the study of the variability of snow accumulation, of the dynamics of the ice cap and of the flow of glaciers to the anchor line.
The project aims to carry out a climatological analysis of the dynamics and structure of the Antarctic polar stratospheric vortex over the last decade 1993-2003 and its relationship with the 'Ozone (O3) hole' phenomenon. In particular will be evaluated all the data from the ground by LIDAR, gained by balloon and by satellite, a high resolution transport model and a GCM model will be used for the climatic characterization of the dynamics of the vortex and its interactions with the polar troposphere and mid-latitudes, and finally a climatology of aerosols and PSCs will be analyzed during the polar winter.