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  • During the I Italian Antarctic expedition (1985/86), 73 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Volcanological research program" in northern Victoria Land. They include different volcanic rocks. The investigated regions are within Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9 and Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5 USGS sheets.

  • This dataset includes all the enstatite chondrites EL group collected during the Italian Antarctic Expeditions since 2004 in Victoria Land and now preserved at the repository of the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide.

  • During the III Italian Antarctic expedition (1987/88), 33 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Geomagnetism" in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic and metamorphic rocks. The investigated regions are within Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9 USGS sheet.

  • During the XII Italian Antarctic expedition (1996/97), 553 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the project "Evolution of East Antarctic craton and paleo-Pacific margin of Gondwana" in northern and southern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic and metamorphic rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Convoy Range ST 57-60/1, Coulman Island SS 58-60/6, Franklin Island ST 57-60/2*, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11, Relief Inlet SS 58-60/13, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 and Yule Bay SR 57-58/12 USGS sheets.

  • During the XI Italian Antarctic expedition (1995/96), 525 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the international GEOMAUD project in central Dronning Maud Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic and metamorphic rocks. Project: Geoscientific expedition to Dronning Maud Land 1995/96.

  • During the XXI Italian Antarctic expedition (2005/06), 139 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the WISE project in northern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic and metamorphic rocks. The investigated regions are within Cape Hallett SS 58-60/2, Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11 and Pomerantz Tableland SR 57-58/10 USGS sheets. Project: Wilkes Basin/Transantarctic Mountains System Exploration.

  • This dataset includes all the iron meteorites (achondrites) collected during the Italian Antarctic Expeditions since 1991 in Victoria Land and now preserved at the repository of the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide.

  • This dataset includes all the ordinary chondrites H group collected during the Italian Antarctic Expeditions since 1991 in Victoria Land and now preserved at the repository of the Museo Nazionale dell’Antartide.

  • During the XXVIII Italian Antarctic expedition (2012/13), 338 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the CLITEITAM project in northern and southern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, sediments and fossil woods. The investigated regions are within Convoy Range ST 57-60/1, Daniels Range SR 57-58/14, Franklin Island ST 57-60/2*, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Discovery ST 57-60/10, Mount Harmsworth ST 57-60/9, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Mount Soza SR 57-58/15, Ob' Bay SR 57-58/11, Reeves Névé SS 55-57/12, Ross Island ST 57-60/6*, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8, Taylor Glacier ST 57-60/5 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets. Project title: CLImate-tectonics Interactions along the TransAntactic Mountains Front and comparison with the arctic record in the Greenland-Svalbard region.

  • During the XVI Italian Antarctic expedition (2000/01), 284 rocks have been sampled within the aim of the GIGAMAP project in northern and southern Victoria Land. They include intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The investigated regions are within Convoy Range ST 57-60/1, Freyberg Mountains SS 58-60/1, Mount Joyce SS 55-57/16, Mount Melbourne SS 58-60/9, Mount Murchison SS 58-60/5, Reeves Névé SS 55-57/12, Sequence Hills SS 55-57/8 and Welcome Mountain SS 55-57/4 USGS sheets. Project: German Italian Geologic Antarctic Map Program.