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    The Ice-ClimaLizer research investigates the role of two Antarctic bioconstructional and bioindicator organisms (bryozoan and coralline algae), responsible of promoting marine biodiversity, as proxies of environmental conditions (temperature, light intensity, pressure, oxygen, conductibility and pH). An experimental laboratory has been placed in Tethys Bay (Ross Sea) at 25.5 m deep. The project will compare 1 year of environmental data obtained via continuous recording (every hour) by CTD probe with reconstructed data obtained via geochemical proxies of skeletons/thalli of the investigated species. Data are collected from November 2018 to November 2019.

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    BIOROSS will explore these unique benthic ecosystems of the Ross Sea focusing on bryozoan, coralline algae, cold-water coral and calcifying sponge bioconstructions and their associated communities in order to build vulnerability maps related to global threats (ocean acidification and global warming). To understand the distribution and extent of the Ross Sea bioconstructions, the international team of BIOROSS will study the Antarctic material already available from PNRA and NIWA collections and take part to a new seabed exploration and collection in the Ross Sea on board of R/V Tangaroa. The multidisciplinary approach will address questions on the structure and functioning of builder species and associated communities by means of a suite of cutting-edge instrumentation for offshore survey and sampling, and state-of-the-art analytical facilities and methods, including multibeam echosounders, towed camera, DNA-barcoding, electron microscopy, computed tomography and mass spectrometry.

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    The UV spectral measurement at ground it’s a diffuse method to determine the stratospheric ozone content. The main objective of the project was the assembling of the UV filter radiometer (named F-RAD) for the measurements of the Sun global irradiance at the Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS), Terranova Bay, Antarctica. The main parts of the instruments are: the entrance radiation optical system, the filters selecting the wavelength of interest and the control system, hardware and software, governing all the measurement steps. The main requirements were: time resolution of one minute and spectral resolution less than 1 nm. The researchers of the project have been participated at two Antarctica campaign, the XXI campaign, 2005, and the XXV campaign, 2009. - XXI Campaign: the radiometer was tested in the Antarctica environment in order to check the reliability of the different components and the optical stability of the filters. - XXV Campaign: the radiometer F-RAD was definitively placed on the roof of one of the MZS building and connected with the Local Area Network of the base. the UV data were daily downloaded in Italy. The spectral UV data acquired with high time resolution, each wavelength was measured 1430 time per day and high spectral resolution, the filters have a FWHM of 0.5- 0.8 nm. F-RAD was placed in Antarctica in November 2009 and works properly, the different parameters are checked daily.

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    Exploratory study for the development of technologies required for biological, geological and physical-chemical entry and sampling in subglacial lakes under high contamination-free conditions. The proposed activity is part of an international initiative, promoted and sponsored by SCAR and COMNAP in which Italy is also represented. The scientific objective is the development of miniaturized technologies for the execution of chemical-physical-biological measurements and of remoting technologies for the transport of instrumentation to the operational site, possibly enabling "in situ" sampling and material recovery operations.

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Sofiab is located at David Glacier (75° 36′ 42″ S - 158° 35′ 26″ E) at 1552 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 28 november 2002. It acquired, every hour, all year round, the meteorological vaiables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity.

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    The radiosonde MSZ (Mario Zucchelli Station) monitors different atmospheric parameters along the vertical profile. The RDS is located at Mario Zucchelli Station. The climate parameters monitored are: Height (gps position), Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Velocity of wind, Direction of the wind. The MSZ is active since 15/01/1987. Data are acquired only during the opening season of the Zucchelli station. Daily radiosonde launches (00:00 and 12:00 UTC). During the period from 16 November to the end of the campaign, the radio-sonde of 06 UTC was included as part of the intensive measures campaign of the YOPP project. The RDS (VAISALA RS92) is launched into the atmosphere coupled to a balloon inflated with helium. The sonde rises with a speed of about 2-5 m / s up to a height of between 20 and 25 km. During the ascent all the parameters are acquired. The data obtained are coded both in a digital format (BUFR) and in text format and entered into the global network (GTS) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Irene is located at Sitry on the antarctic plateau (71° 39′ 9″ S - 148° 39′ 20″ E) at 2094 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 3 Decmber 2001, and has been removed 24 November 2016. It acquired, all year round, the meteorological variables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and solar radiation. The aws also monitored daily avarages of snow height.

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    The project is focused on the acquisition of data using the MZS_FRAD2008-02 interference filter radiometer, installed in November 2009 at Mario Zucchelli station, on the roof of the building OASI (74°41.6059' S 164°05.9423' E). The radiometer is active all year round and measures the global solar irradiance (watt / m2nm) at the values ​​of 9 different wavelengths (about one spectrum per minute), where the filters are centered, and obtained from these the measure of the spectral irradiance with a resolution of 0.5 nm. The data is transferred to Italy on a daily basis via an Ethernet link. Data are acquired in the summer station of MZS from November 2009 to May 2013.

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station Alessandra is located in Cape King (73° 35′ 10″ S - 166° 37′ 16″ E) at 160 m of altitude, where has been installed on the 1st February 1987. It acquired, all year round, the meteorological variables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and solar radiation.

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Zoraida is located at Priestley Glacier (74° 10′ 36″ S - 162° 53′ 44″ E) at 880 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 18 january 1987. It acquired, every hour, all year round, the meteorological vaiables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity.