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  • The lidar observatory at Mcmurod, was one of the primary stations of the NDACC network (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) from 2004 to 2010. The lidar observes polar stratospheric clouds at a height between 12 and 26 km typically, from early June until the end of Settember. These PSCs play an important role in the ozone chemistry and promote the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. The lidar can detect even very thin PSC layers and can provide important information about their chemical composition. The lidar can be used to study formation and dynamical processes and to provide long term records useful for climate studies.

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS penguin is located at Edmonson Point (74° 20′ 0″ S - 165° 8′ 0″ E) at 30 m of altitude, and has been installed 3 December 1998. It acquired every 10 minutes, only during the opening season of the activities in MSZ station, the meteorological variables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and solar radiation.

  • Vertical profiles along the first kilometre of atmosphere above the ground (from 105 to 1050 m a.g.l.) of equivalent radar reflectivity factor (Ze), Doppler velocity (W) and Doppler spectral width (Sw) from a 24-GHz vertically pointing Micro Rain Radar MRR-2 by METEK GmbH positioned at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica).

  • The HF radar denominated Dome C East (DCE) emits pulses of HF waves (8–20 MHz) which are refracted in the ionosphere and can be back-scattered by field aligned decameter scale irregularities of the electron density at distances ranging from 180 to 3550 km from each radar and at heights between 100 and 400 km. The radar signals are steered in 16 emission beams, separated by 3.3 degrees, in an azimuthal interval of 52 degrees, usually swept in 2 minutes. The signals are emitted according to multi-pulse sequences that allow the real-time acquisition of the autocorrelation function of the back scatter echoes, from which the reflected power, the VD Doppler velocity of the irregularities, and the spectral width can be calculated for each distance-azimuth cell. VD coincides with the velocity of the plasma along the line of sight. DCE is part of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). In SuperDARN, pairs of radars, typically located at 2000 km distance and oriented so that their beams cross each other over the region to be studied, are used to get the velocity vector in two dimensions. DCE forms a common-volume pair with the SuperDARN South Pole radar (U.S.). SuperDARN radars are devoted to the study of ionosphere, between 100 and 400 km from ground, in the polar, auroral and medium latitude regions. The SuperDARN and DCE scientific objectives span from fundamental plasma physics to space weather in the framework of Sun-Earth relations. Italy participates in the SuperDARN international network also with the Dome C North radar(DCN), installed at the Concordia station in January 2019 and operative since then.

  • The DoCTOr (Dome C Tropospheric Observer) project aims to establish an integrated monitoring system to measure simultaneously, continuously and with a high temporal resolution the water vapor and temperature vertical profiles and the radiative exchanges vs. altitude. The monitoring will enable us to detect both long-term trends and fast-evolving phenomena, the latter useful in the interpretation of the causes of the first. This task is performed mainly through remote sensing techniques, allowing for the study of a highly unperturbed atmospheric sample. The integration of all the deployed instrumentation in a single acquisition system simplifies greatly the data analysis needed to retrieve the final products: The REFIR-PAD spectroradiometer (already operating in dome C since 2011) will provide spectrally-resolved atmospheric downwelling radiances in the mid to far-infrared spectral range, while a laser diode based profiler will characterize the microphysics state of the first 3 km of the atmosphere.A real-time data analysis system based on an atmospheric radiative transfer model will then retrieve from the acquired data the temperature and water vapor profiles and the cloud optical thickness in almost all weather conditions found at Dome C, with a temporal resolution of about 10 minutes.

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Rita is located at Enigma Lake (74° 43′ 30″ S - 164° 1′ 59″ E) at 268 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 5 january 1993. It acquired, every hour, all year round, the meteorological vaiables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity.

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    The project aims to carry out a climatological analysis of the dynamics and structure of the Antarctic polar stratospheric vortex over the last decade 1993-2003 and its relationship with the 'Ozone (O3) hole' phenomenon. In particular will be evaluated all the data from the ground by LIDAR, gained by balloon and by satellite, a high resolution transport model and a GCM model will be used for the climatic characterization of the dynamics of the vortex and its interactions with the polar troposphere and mid-latitudes, and finally a climatology of aerosols and PSCs will be analyzed during the polar winter.

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    The Observatory main purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The automatic weather station AWS Modesta is located on the Priestley Nèvè (74° 37′ 35″ S - 164° 0′ 40″ E) at 1924 m a.s.l., and has been installed on the 1 February 1989. It acquired, every hour, all year round, the meteorological vaiables of wind velocity, wind direction, temperature, pressure and relative humidity, plus snow height acquired as daily averages.

  • Disdrometric data from a Thies Clima 3D Stereo with 22 size classes and 20 velocity classes positioned at L'Aquila (Italy, 42.3831 N, 13.3148 E, 683 m a.s.l.), with monthly spectra and ancillary information.

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    The aim of the MAss LOst in wind fluX (MALOX) project is to better understand the phenomenon of snow transport over a coastal area characterized by strong winds. The automatic weather station AWS Lucia purpose is to contribute to the monitoring of global climate change monitoring standard meteorological parameters. The AWS is located at Larsen Glacier, (74° 57′ 2″ S - 161° 46′ 19″ E) at 1350 m a.s.l., and has been installed the 25 january 2007. It acquires, every minute, all year round, the meteorological variables by two sensors for wind velocity and wind direction, two sensors for temperature (at 1 and 3 meters) and for relative humidity, and finally one for atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the AWS acquires further data using radiation sensor (longwave and shortwave), driftometer for the snow transport and height snow sensor.