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  • The datataset includes sound pressure levels acquired in the Ross Sea during project AMORS

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    Purpose: The project aims to study the super-cold currents of the Ross Sea by combining the performance of the SARA Submarine Robot with the navigation support provided by the RAS land vehicle, used in parallel cruises under and above the ice, respectively. Year 2005 In Antarctica: no activities. In Italy: completion of activities planned in PEA 2003. Preparation of a test campaign of the systems developed for SARA; installation of a CTD sensor on board; evaluation of the performance of the navigation system, measurement of the effective usability of an acoustic communication channel.

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    BIOROSS will explore these unique benthic ecosystems of the Ross Sea focusing on bryozoan, coralline algae, cold-water coral and calcifying sponge bioconstructions and their associated communities in order to build vulnerability maps related to global threats (ocean acidification and global warming). To understand the distribution and extent of the Ross Sea bioconstructions, the international team of BIOROSS will study the Antarctic material already available from PNRA and NIWA collections and take part to a new seabed exploration and collection in the Ross Sea on board of R/V Tangaroa. The multidisciplinary approach will address questions on the structure and functioning of builder species and associated communities by means of a suite of cutting-edge instrumentation for offshore survey and sampling, and state-of-the-art analytical facilities and methods, including multibeam echosounders, towed camera, DNA-barcoding, electron microscopy, computed tomography and mass spectrometry.

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    Collection of 451 temperature profiles with XBT and 35 profiles of temperature and salinity with XCTD probes in the Drake Strait, the Weddell Sea and between the northern tip of the Antarctica Paeninsula and the Orcadas Islands, to study of the variability of the Mixed Layer and the estimate of the heat content on the first 700 m of the water column, and the large scale representation of the surace and subsurface structure of the ACC. Three oceanographic cruises were performed on board of the Argentinean ice breaker “Almirante Irizar” in the three austral winters 2004-2005, 2005-2006 e 2006-2007. Data are acquired from the 7th of february and the sond were launched with a resolution of 20' of latitude to 70° ad 15' for higher latitudes, to better define the thermal southern front.

  • The efficacy and reliability of low-impact technologies were tested to document the occurrence and distribution of Antarctic toothfish in sea-ice covered coastal areas at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea). Ancillary information, including main water column parameters (temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and turbidity), was collected at each sampling station.

  • The EMPHASIS project focuses on the ecomorphology of the feeding apparatus of Notothenioidea, a suborder of teleost fishes endemic to the Southern Ocean that have colonized available ecological niches and habitats during their adaptive radiation. Ecomorphology is the science that investigates the reciprocal relationship between the environment and the forms of organisms, allowing insights into their evolutionary history, biodiversity, and relationships between form and function. The research activity involves a comparative analysis of the feeding apparatus in species representative of various phyletic lineages, and the study of the relationships between morphology, function and specific performance during feeding. Based on the results of the analysis, three-dimensional digitally supported models of the structures involved in feeding activity was developed.

  • The Middle Trophic Level of the Ross Sea is still not well known but it mainly characterized by two species of Krill: Euphausia superba, Euphausia Crystallorophias. These species are a key food source for a wide variety of marine birds and mammals in the Ross Sea. For this reason, it's necessary to improve the knowledge on abundance and spatial distribution of MTL species, and their interconnection with environmental parameters to understand the main drivers of the reproductive success and migrations of these species. In this project, an acoustic survey, a synoptic net sampling and a CTD/XBT samplings were carried out following the standard protocols indicated by CCAMLR. Acoustic monitoring was performed at five frequencies: 38, 70, 120, 200 and 333 kHz. Targeted net samplings were performed to validate the preliminary species allocation of the aggregations observed on the echosounder screen. Biometric measures of krill samples was made on board and samples were taken for further analysis. CTD and XBT data was collected and elaborated to characterize water masses and to study the possible influences of the distribution of the main oceanographic parameters on MTL species.

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    The Ice-ClimaLizer research investigates the role of two Antarctic bioconstructional and bioindicator organisms (bryozoan and coralline algae), responsible of promoting marine biodiversity, as proxies of environmental conditions (temperature, light intensity, pressure, oxygen, conductibility and pH). An experimental laboratory has been placed in Tethys Bay (Ross Sea) at 25.5 m deep. The project will compare 1 year of environmental data obtained via continuous recording (every hour) by CTD probe with reconstructed data obtained via geochemical proxies of skeletons/thalli of the investigated species. Data are collected from November 2018 to November 2019.

  • CTD Casts in the Ross Sea 1996 Station AN96001 - AN96002 - AN96004 - AN96005 - AN96007 - AN96008 - AN96009 - AN96010 - AN96012 - AN96013 - AN96015 - AN96016 - AN96017 - AN96018 - AN96019 - AN96020 - AN96021 - AN96022 - AN96023 - AN96024 - AN96025 - AN96026 - AN96027 - AN96028 - AN96029 - AN96030 - AN96031 - AN96032 - AN96033 - AN96034 - AN96035 - AN96036 - AN96037 - AN96038

  • ORA di BAIA TERRA NOVA ctd dicembre 1994 - CTD casts in the Ross Sea Station AN94043 - AN94045 - AN94046 - AN94047 - AN94048 - AN94049 - AN94050 - AN94051 - AN94052 - AN94053 - AN94054 - AN94055 - AN94056 - AN94057 - AN94058 - AN94059 - AN94060 - AN94061 - AN94062 - AN94063 - AN94064 - AN94065 - AN94066 - AN94067 - AN94068 - AN94069 - AN94070 - AN94071 - AN94072 - AN94073 - AN94074 - AN94075 - AN94076